Building Maintenance Units

Monorail System

Monorail System

ŞARYO CEHPE BOYUNCA RAYA TUTUNARAK MONORAY VASITASIYLA HAREKET EDER. The aluminum rails are connected to the consoles located under the fringe of the building, which are mounted on the consoles extending from the front. The prior aim is to harmonize with the building architecture and aesthetics. When the terrace floor is not available for connection, […]

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Guided Rail System

Guided Rail System

MAKİNE CEPHE BOYUNCA RAYA TUTUNARAK KLAVUZ RAY VASITASIYLA HAREKET EDER. Rails are directional and only serve as guides. Rails are made of 80 or 100 brace clamps. These rails are coated with hot dip galvanize and protected from corrosion. The machine moves on the wheels. Therefore it provides a system balance with counterweights. Since the […]

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Dual Row Rail System

Dual Row Rail System

ÇİFT SIRA RAY VASITASIYLA MAKİNE TÜM CEPHELERE RAY ÜZERİNDEKİ HAREKETİYLE ULAŞABİLİR. These machines are installed on the terrace floor parapets, having load carrying feature and can reach the desired side of the building by moving on the dual row rail. The selection of the equipment suitable for the architectural structure of the building is examined […]

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Telescopic Boom Machine

Telescopic Boom Machine

Binanın mimari planına göre, kot farkı bulunan cephelere sabit bir noktadan veya yine mimari planına göre çift sıra raylı sistem- le binanın her yönüne ulaşabilmek için tasarlanmıştır. Binanın teras katı yerleşimine göre tüm cephelere ulaşabilmek için projeye özel tasarım yapılmaktadır. Binanın parapet konumu veya binada bulunan havalandırma gruplarına göre gövde yükseltme-alçaltma mevcuttur. Makine üzerinde bulunan […]

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